In my search for a BBS that our local MAC users group could use on our LocalTalk/Ethernet/Broadband system I ran across 1stBBS.
It is kinda a long story but those of you who "remember" 128k of RAM might remember 1stBase, the first (I think) relational database for the MAC. That company (resold) still exists (sorta, their primary business is TUBING FABRICATION) and offer an inter
sting line of communication products that might be of interest to MUG's and Mac BBS operators.
Attached is the remote required to access the company's (1stDESK) "FREE" BBS via 800 number. 1-800-232-4283.
The whole thing must really "MAC LIKE" because I got it running before reading the READ ME which is also attached.
After UNBINHEXing and UnStuffing. Double click on the "1stDESK Settings" Icon. Then edit the two "Settings..." (User & Connection) selections under the EDIT menu.
You gotta figure that one out yourself but is is really pretty "MAC LIKE" :-) if you know how your modem is set. You will have to modify the number dialed if you going through a PBX or such.....
USER Settings:
The system password is not used.
You pick you own USERNAME.
->It is requested that users who get this from info-mac and down
->stream use the password "norm" when initially configuring. This
->will aid 1st Desk in a head count they want. After your initial
Here is the lastest version of HiBBS client software made by XBR of
Montreal, Quebec. Various improvements have been made and several
bugs fixes have been implemented.
A special thanks goes out to : Jean Pierre
Subject: HIBBS150.hqx
From: Jean Pierre Boudreau <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 93 00:44:15 -0500
Message-Id: <>
Status: RO
#### BINHEX homer-09-serial.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 93 17:28:07 -0400
From: (Toby Smith)
Subject: Homer 0.90 serial
HHere's a copy of Homer 0.90, an IRC client for the Mac. Homer has a very
Mac-like interface to IRC, making it easy to use (hopefully!). This
StuffIt Deluxe 3.0.5 archive contains the Homer application, a large user
manual, assorted read me files, and a special surprise application for use
with Homer.
This is the serial version, which communicates using a dialup modem line.
#### BINHEX homer-09-tcp.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 93 17:24:26 -0400
From: (Toby Smith)
Subject: Homer 0.90 TCP
Here's a copy of Homer 0.90, an IRC client for the Mac. Homer has a very
Mac-like interface to IRC, making it easy to use (hopefully!). This
StuffIt Deluxe 3.0.5 archive contains the Homer application, a large user
manual, assorted read me files, and a special surprise application for use
with Homer.
This is the TCP version, which communicates using MacTCP (not included).
#### BINHEX hyperftp-13.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 90 12:42:31 EDT
From: (Douglas Hornig)
Subject: hyperftp-13.hqx
HyperFTP is a HyperCard stack that acts as an FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
client. With it you can transfer files between your Macintosh and FTP host
computers over the TCP/IP internet. You must have HyperCard version 1.2 or
later, and MacTCP (Apple Computer's TCP/IP drivers) installed. MacTCP is
available for about $100 from APDA (800/282-2732).
New in version 1.3:
o A zoom feature on the directory entries field that will switch between a
names-only list and a full directory list.
o File tranfers can be cancelled more reliably.
o A bug that sometimes caused MacBinary and BinHex receives to crash has
been fixed.
o About a million little things have been changed that I can't list here.
I would again like to thank all the people who sent me their excellent
comments and suggestions.
#### DIRECTORY info ****
#### BINHEX internews.hqx ****
From "Espen.H.Koht@Dartmouth.EDU (Espen H. Koht)" Sun Sep 12 00:47:31 1993
Date: 10 Sep 93 10:55:15 EDT
From: Espen.H.Koht@Dartmouth.EDU (Espen H. Koht)
Subject: Internews
[internews -- new tcp news reader, I believe. How about some text
headers for the uploads, folks!? :) -Gordon]
#### BINHEX ircle-135.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 93 13:37:17 MET DST
From: Olaf Titz <>
Subject: ircle 1.3.5
This is a Macintosh IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client.
It allows you to talk to people all over the world over the Internet.
It will run on any Mac with System version 6.0 or greater and the
MacTCP driver, version 1.0 or greater.
This is free software according to the GNU General Public License
(any version). Refer to the file COPYING for precise terms and conditions.
Send comments, suggestions, bug reports etc. to:
Olaf Titz <>
#### BINHEX iride.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 93 12:10:04 PDT
From: (Stephen L. Pendergast)
Subject: [*] Iride, mime mail for mac
I saw this announced on the comp.mail.mime group
Downloaded it from the ftp site, and since there has been interest expressed
in mime file interchange for the mac thought I'd post it here. I currently
use Eudora 1.3.1
Iride is (or will be) an implementation of a MIME user agent on
the Apple Macintosh computer.
Its was developed as part of a project of the GNBTS - Gruppo Nazionale Bioingegneria sezione di Trieste, for the integration of multimedia mail with the hospital data storing facilities, in particular for the transfer of bioimages.
This is a far from a complete MIME implementation, but I think
it is quite usable.
To use it you need:
- Macintosh with MacTCP 1.1 or better installed
- 32 bit ColorQuickDraw if you want to use images
- audio input device if you want to create audio messages
- connection to a SMTP mail relay
- connection to a POP3 server
MIME types supported:
text/plain charset=US-ASCII only
text/richtext (there is not a composing tool for richtext yet)
audio/X-macaudio generated sending a NOT sampled audio pasted in
image/X-macPICT generated when color QuickDraw is missing only
multipart/mixed each part is shown in a different window
MUST change this
multipart/alternative handled as multipart/mixed
MUST change this
Please address any comment or suggestion to:
#### BINHEX kermit-099-188.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 93 18:51:15 CST
Subject: MacKermit 0.99(188) submission
This is MacKermit 0.99(188) which I got from
It comes with macro files for UNIX, VMS, IBM3081 which I don't have the
chance to learn or use. However it seems to work with setting files from
old days of 0.98(40). This should replace files /comm/kermit-099-185.hqx
in the archive.
P.S. Sorry I don't know by which utility it was compressed becuase
StuffIt Expander had take care of it all. In case you got a problem
to debinhex and decompress it, try StuffIt Expander under /util/
directory. As Jeff Needleman always said, it is free and it works.
(Hope this quotation is correct!)
#### BINHEX kermit-tool-gh-13.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 22:29 CST
Subject: submission: Kermit Tool GH 1.3
Dear Info-Mac,
Enclose you will find version 1.3 of my Kermit tool for the
communications toolbox. When combined with a compliant app,
such as Termy or ClarisWorks (or any of the Works programs),
allows the user to use the Kermit file transfer protocol
common among university mainframes.
This version is basically an enhancement from the previous
release with quite a few tweaks and featurelets.
I suggest it be stored as
// Bill, could you keep version 1.2 in the archives for a while
// as I don't know when and if I'll get a chance to fix any
// major bugs in this version if they appear.
-- glenn howes //
#### BINHEX kill-em-fkey.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 93 05:17:06 EST
From: (David Fry)
Subject: [*] KillEM FKEY
I wrote this small FKEY (563 bytes) to turn off the Express Modem
background software for Apple's Express Modem on the PowerBook
and PowerBook Duo line. It looks for any currently running EM software,
and sends it a 'quit' event, or beeps if it can't find the EM
software. This effectively turns off the modem and reduces demands
on the PowerBook's processor, extending the time between battery
charges. You could use the Express Modem control panel, but I
think that takes too much time. :-)
This works fine for me on my PowerBook 180. I don't know if it
will work with the Duo software, but I think it should. Let
me know if you have troubles or know something I don't.
David Fry
#### BINHEX lee-mail-203-fr.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 93 10:10:59 -0400
From: Lee Fyock <>
Subject: LeeMail 2.0.3Fr
Please find enclosed LeeMail 2.0.3 Fr, the French version of LeeMail
Here is MacLayers 1.30 for the archives. It should replace
comm/maclayers-120.hqx. I will send the necessary UNIX server
files separately.
MacLayers version 1.30 is a freeware vt100 terminal emulator that
allows multiple terminal windows to be opened to a host simultaneously
over a single serial connection. The remote host computer must be a
UNIX(TM) system which has sockets support. Each terminal window may be
associated with a shell, login to a different host, or an individual
command. New features since 1.20 include...
The UNIX side has been ported to run on many new platforms including
IRIX, AIX 3.2, SVR4, etc. (Not Solaris yet.)
Support for a UNIX side .layersrc file to automatically startup and
place windows when layers mode is started.
Separate user settings and logfiles; each can be saved independently
from the other; settings act as startup documents.
Improved/reorganized keyboard support.
Longer dial strings, mouse support under emacs, new Finder icons, etc.
To use MacLayers, you need to get both the Macintosh MacLayers client
application and the UNIX server programs. They are packaged separately.
You will have to compile the latter.
#### BINHEX mac-news-10.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 01:45:21 -0400
From: (Matthew Hall)
Subject: MacNews 1.0 submission (comm software)
About MacNews 1.0
I have just completed version 1.0 of MacNews, a shareware NNTP newsreader for non-TCP Mac's. If you use rn or GNUS from a dial-in host, you may want to consider MacNews instead.
Reads, Posts, and Follows-up, of course.
Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Maintain newsgroups
Save or append articles to a file on your drive
Insert files, cut, copy, paste, when composing articles
Maintains a list of several sites, each with it's own list of subscribed newsgroups - helpful if you read news from more than one site.
Much faster, at 2400 baud, than EMACS Gnus.
Simple, but definitely not trivial
Works on any modem equipped Mac.
Didn't even crash at any time during development!
MacNews_1.0.sea.hqx is a bin-hexed, self extracting archive.
MacNews 1.0 copyright 1993 by Matthew Hall
-matt hall
#### BINHEX mac-voice-10-demo.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 93 13:12:53 EDT
MacVoice 1.0 DEMO is a fully functional copy of MacVoice 1.0 with the
following limitations:
Incoming messages are limited to 5 seconds
Messages are not time stamped when retrieved remotely
This version fixes a few bugs and adds support for ROM 6.10. However,
if possible use ROM 6.00 or 6.01, as ROM 6.10 have not proved reliable
with our software. Please be sure to read the README file. An order
form is also included.
MacVoice 1.0 is a voice mail/answering machine software for Macintosh
and ZyXEL modems. A ZyXEL modem, such as any one of the U-1496 Series,
is required. A Macintosh with a 16Mhz or faster processor is required.
BETTER quality compression (ADPCM3) is only recommended on faster Macs
such as the IIci, IIfx, and higher.
MacVoice 1.0 supports multiple mail boxes, Distinctive Rings, playback
and recording thru the Macintosh hardware.
If you have 32 bit addressing problems, please let us know. We have
made this version 32 bit clean for most Macs, however, if you discover
that MacVoice 1.0 is not 32 bit clean on your Macintosh, we would appreciate
a message from you.
Saurabh Misra.
#### BINHEX mac-wais-124.hqx ****
From Sun Sep 12 22:05:05 1993
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 93 11:57:59 CDT
Subject: MacWAIS 1.2.4
Here is MacWAIS 1.2.4.
I am not the author.
***From the README file:***
Changes from 1.23:
* New, underlying socket library. This, plus some other
modifications, have increased download capability by ~2x.
* Removes Color QuickDraw dependencies. MacWAIS now runs on
Classic QuickDraw Systems (PB100, SE, etc.). (Reported by, Kent Kalnasy (, and
Jonathan Brecher ( Thanks for the
reports -- sorry for the incompability!)
* Allows searching of Local sources. (Note: Local sources can
ONLY be specified by manually editing the Source description. The
host":ip-name" line should be removed, and the ":database-name"
should be the Macintosh pathname to the index file. This will
ultimately become specifiable directly in MacWAIS.)
* In the Select Sources dialog, Selected Sources may be deselected
by first highlighting them and then pressing Delete. (The
documentation has been updated to reflect this addition.) (Suggested
by Harry Morris (
* Miscellaneous shortcuts added to dialogs (e.g., cmd-D means
"Don't Save").
From Sun Sep 12 21:52:06 1993
Flags: 000000000001
Received: from SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0)
Received: from by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id
AA18584; Fri, 27 Nov 92 16:05:06 PST
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Date: Fri, 27 Nov 92 16:04:41 PST
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#### BINHEX mubbs-login-security.hqx ****
Subject: no subject (file transmission)
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 92 15:45:08 PST
This folder contains a primitive security system for the MUBBS BBS system. It's merely a modified log in module that allows new users to sign up, but will time them out as soon as they reach the main menu. I am uploading this module with the permission of the MUBBS authors. I did the modification myself.
MUBBS is, to my knowledge, the only freeware BBS program available for the macintosh. Version 1.1 is available from mac.archive.umich, and the most recent version is available from the MUBBS Support BBS at (805) 259-6407. There's good support for MUBBS available, so I highly encourage anyone looking for a BBS program to check it out!.
From: Vladimir Butenko <>
Organization: STALKER GmbH
PortConnector 1.0
The PortConnector(tm) software enables all your communication
applications to employ CTB Connection Tools instead of modems or direct
serial links: old applications can be used for communicating through
X.25, TCP/IP, ISDN and any other network supported with a Connection
Tool. I.e. you can connect to your office network using AppleTalk
Remote Access though ISDN or TCP/IP, you can use WhiteKnight(tm) with
ADSP, X.25, etc.
PortConnector requires System 7.0 and better.
See the ReadMe file included for details.
Vladimir Butenko
Stalker GmbH
#### BINHEX port-linker-powerbook-10.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 22 May 93 02:22:08 -0700
From: (Moses Kim)
Subject: portlinker1.0_for_powerbook.hqx
Dear Info-Mac,
Because this is my first posting to Info-Mac, I am afraid if it's wrong way. Please let me know if I made mistake.
This application links serial ports in a Macintosh. It makes chance to access internal modem of PowerBook through printer port. PowerBook will work as an external modem.
QVT is a DEC VT220 Terminal Emulator for the Mac. It works well under both
System 6.0x and System 7.0. QVT supports international diacritical
characters and most file transfer protocols such Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem,
and MacBinary.
#### BINHEX qwk-130.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 93 04:24:39 PST
From: bebrown@sdcc13.UCSD.EDU (Pseudo-Barry)
Subject: Here's a program to be put up on yoru FTP site...
This file shoudl be named something like "QWK-1.30.sit.hqx" Please direct any comments or replies regarding this submission to TheBob@AOL.COM. (I very seldom use the account which I am sending this from.)
File follows...
QWK 1.30
This is a simple QWK-format offline mail reading package.
In order to use it, you also need a good text editor, and
a program to extract the contents of .ZIP files. I recommend
BBEdit 2.2 and UnZIP 2.0, together with a patch that's floating
around out there to add word-wrapping capability to BBEdit.
Of course, you need a terminal program too.
Instead of staying online, connected to a BBS for
many minutes, or sometimes even hours, reading th emessages, and
composing your replies to them, many BBSes now offer you
the option of downloading all your new messages as a
.QWK packet. You can then decode and read the messages offline,
compose your replies, and upload your replies in the form
of a .REP packet. Even if it takes you hours to read and
reply to all your messages, you only have to spend a
few minutes actually connected to the BBS.
This package consists of a program called QWK, which will
convert the contents of a .QWK packet into a readible text
file, which you may read with any text editor, and another
program called REP, which will take a text file created by
you, containing all of your replies and new messages,
and convert it to a .REP packet that yu may upload to
the BBS to post your messages.
#### BINHEX qwk-reader.hqx ****
From: theborg! (Locutus of Borg)
Subject: QWK, a mail reader for Macintosh:comp.binaries.mac [part 1 of 2]
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 92 22:07:15 -0700 (PDT)
This is a program that a friend of mine wrote. It will allow you to
read messages produced by "QWK" compatible message archiveing doors,
typically found on PC-based BBS's. Using these doors, you can "pack"
all of your new messages into a single file, download that file, and
read it "offline" (while NOT connected to the BBS) at your convenience.
This saves in telephone charges and time on the phone, especially if you
are calling a long distance BBS.
This program is currently rather crude. It will only "de-crypt" the
messages, and place them in an ASCII text file. It is up to you to read
the messages (using a separate text editor or word processor), and it
is up to you to compose replies, by logging in to the BBS and typing
them yourself. This is explained below.
This program is being written with little or no knowledge of the format
of QWK packets and ".REP" reply packets. Therefore, any information you
can provide would be extremely helpful to the author. It will enable
him to add more features to this program, including message reading
while within the program, automatic creation of reply ".REP" packets,
etc. If you have this information, PLEASE send a message to either the
author, or me (from Internet: or; America Online: DonaldBurr)
This program has been tested on a variety of Macs, running under various
flavors of system software. It is System 7 compatible, and is 32-bit
clean. It has also been tested with various PC BBS's and QWK doors.
This file is compressed using StuffIt 1.5.1, which just about any pro-
gram out there can read.
It is shareware. The only restriction as to its distribution is that
it may not be distributed through, or by, the CompuServe Information
Service network or any of its affiliates.
The author may be reached from the Internet at "", or
This is an updated hack of the Zoom-Apple Modem Tool. Same as before, but
applied to version 1.1.1 of the Apple Modem Tool. This should replace the
previous version.
Sent as a self extracting archive. Sorry it took so long.
#### BINHEX zterm-09.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 92 23:02:53 EST
From: davea@tso.uc.EDU (David P. Alverson)
Subject: ZTerm v0.9 part 1
ZTerm v0.9 - 08 Feb 92 - Shareware comm with X/Y/ZModem and B-Plus file transfers, vt100 and PC ANSI-BBS emulation (including color) and easy to use auto and queue dialing. New features include dialing directory, scripting and more compatible printing, and lots of smaller things. Requires 512k, 128k ROM, and System 4.1 or later. Shareware fee $30 US (or $40 US with disk). -- Dave Alverson, davea@tso.uc.eduZTerm 0.9 part 1 of 3
#### BINHEX zterm-phone-dir-listing.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 18:33:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: ZTerm Phone Directory Listing
Note: I am merely uploading this file. Denise McElroy
is the author. She can be reached at the email address
listed in the About... box.
ZTerm Phone Directory Listing searches ZTerm's
ZPhoneList, ferrets out the names and
numbers of all services, and saves the listing
to a text file. The resulting file can be
printed, distributed, and archived.
In some cases, this program may be able to salvage
phone numbers from a corrupted ZPhoneList.
Compressed with Stuffit Deluxe. Checked for
viruses with Disinfectant 3.2.
#### BINHEX zterm-speed-patch.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 1993 15:30:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: ZTerm Speed Patch
This ResEdit color palette may speed up ZTerm's performance
at high speeds (>=9600 bps.) If you don't need color, simply
set your monitor to black and white. The following is from the
ReadMe file:
Begin Quote
How it works:
Changing the code resource makes ZTerm call _GetNewCWindow, instead of
_GetNewWindow. When a program calls _GetNewCWindow, GetNewCWindow looks for a
resource of type pltt with the same id as the window. It finds the palette
copied into ZTerm, and loads it. When ZTerm tries to change the colors, the
palette manager uses the closest available colors, which should be the ones in
its palette (since there are only 16 colors). When ZTerm is normally used in
16 color mode, the colors are very hard to read, because it has to use the
available colors. It takes half as long to draw a character on the screen in
4-bit mode (16 colors) then it does to draw one in 8-bit (256 colors) mode.
Running in 16 colors should make ZTerm display the screen twice as fast (if
your modem is fast enough).
Send any comments to me at one of the following e-mail addresses:
America Online: JonSnell
Prodigy: FTCB36D
End Quote
This version replaces my previous upload, which contained the
instructions, but not the color palette. A Stuffed, BinHexed
file. Please place in the comm directory with ZTerm.